
School Information

High School

Start typing the high school name or exact CEEB number

GPA ( ex: 85.5 or 3.5 )

Test Scores

Parent/Guardian Information

What are your top 3 choices of colleges/universities you wish to attend?

Top School 1
Top School 2
Top School 3

Provide a short response to each of the following:

  1. Please list your extracurricular activities.
  2. What are your future career goals?
  3. What do you hope to gain from participating in the Summer Honors Institute @LIU this summer?
  4. Transcript

    Please provide your High School Transcript.

    MS Word or PDF format

    SAT/ACT or PSAT Scores

    Please provide your SAT/ACT or PSAT Scores.

    MS Word or PDF format

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